A Night at Vance's Hut

These are a few shots from my first trip to one of the 10th Mountain DIvision huts. My lab group went on a one night adventure to Vance's Hut in January 2014. Check out the photos below or on my Flickr page.

A winter trip to Vance's Hut A winter trip to Vance's Hut A winter trip to Vance's Hut A winter trip to Vance's Hut A winter trip to Vance's Hut A winter trip to Vance's Hut A winter trip to Vance's Hut A winter trip to Vance's Hut A winter trip to Vance's Hut A winter trip to Vance's Hut A winter trip to Vance's Hut A winter trip to Vance's Hut

Gear: Nikon D7000 and 12-24mm lens.

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© 2010 - Andrew Reineberg